
South End during the holidays 2019 There will be time tomorrow to Monday morning quarterback about who is to blame, what could have been done better, why Greensboro, why South End, where to go from here, and all.But for now, right now, the morning after, I need to...
Buy a Gift Card, Give a Virtual Hug

Buy a Gift Card, Give a Virtual Hug

Right now, our favorite independent local business owners are trying to find assistance for themselves and their employees to survive the next year of crazy unpredictability. It’s a daunting task, and although state and federal help may be on the way, it...

More Greensboro, NC Coffee!

My last post was about finding coffee in Downtown Greensboro, NC, and now I’d like to take you to a few local coffee spots throughout the rest of the city. Remember, no Starbucks or Caribou or fast food coffee establishments will be on my list. That’s...